April 15, 2023: Proper Propagation
Propagation is so much fun. Have you ever thought “This specimen shrub or landscape tree in my yard would be ideal for bonsai.” or maybe… “I wish I could have another bonsai of this tree I love so much.”? It is possible. A few easy propagation methods can be used on most trees to gain a “clone” of the exact same tree.
On Saturday, April 15th, the Bonsai Society of Brevard (BSOB) club meeting will cover ways to propagate bonsai material to help build a collection. Club members Jan Barnes and Scot Stewart will lead the program. We encourage members and visitors to bring a bonsai propagated by yourself or a fellow club member (or any bonsai for that matter!) to share with the audience. We especially welcome the new members that took the BSOB bonsai class on April 1, 2023, to bring the trees they started on their bonsai journey. 1 PM at the Melbourne Public Library on Fee Ave.
Everyone is invited to bring a tree that needs a new design, or just a trim, and our experts will show you how to propagate a branch or cutting from that tree. Or, if you just need some advice on your tree, bring it with you. We are here to help.
Also at this April meeting, we will select a club representative tree for the May BSF Convention. Please bring a tree to the meeting to be considered for this honor. The theme of the convention is “Colors of Nature”. The members attending the meeting will vote for a favorite tree to represent our club.
Kempinski Korner – April
While you are preparing for the meeting on Saturday check out the April Kempinski Korner – A provocative discussion of the bonsai of average.
BSF Convention Reminders
Also, on Memorial Day weekend the Bonsai Society of Florida is having their Annual Convention at the Florida Hotel in Orlando. April 15th is the day to submit your trees for consideration in the display. (And then pay your Federal taxes). If you haven’t submitted a photo or finished your taxes, get cranking. At the April meeting we will be getting into and planning the Club Night and Club Display topics that will represent BSOB.

Please read about our club meetings and reasons why you should join a club.
The Bonsai Society of Brevard is one of the many clubs within the Bonsai Societies of Florida.