April 20th – Lingnam Style Program
The club’s president, Rob Kempinski, will give an overview presentation and demonstration of Chinese Lingnam Style. This artform can be compared to the Impressionistic art movement in Europe.
The Chinese Lingnan penjing style has vigorous, elegant and unrestrained parts placed in a harmonious composition not always related to staid nature. It uses extensive clip and grow and breaks many of the norms we have learned from Japanese influenced bonsai. The program will delve into this style and encourage BSOB members to try something different.
Note that the demo tree will not be raffled, though we will raffle two tiger bark ficus to club members.

Don’t forget to bring your dollar raffle table items.
Note: This month, we will meet at the Melbourne Public Library, 540 E. Fee Blvd (at 1pm.)

Please read about our club meetings and reasons why to join a club.
The Bonsai Society of Brevard is one of the many clubs within the Bonsai Society of Florida.