Nov 20th – Bonsai Club: Bring Your Own Tree
Our Brevard-based club holds monthly events that showcase bonsai trees, tips and tricks. Last month Rob Kempinski did a bonsai demonstration of a juniper. In November, our club will do a “Bring Your Own Tree” (BYOT) event. This is a great way to get specific input on trees you bring. Club experts will help you with styling decisions, pruning, wiring, and give horticultural advice. We also have “show and tell” as a separate event. Our club has wonderful trees to show. Don’t be shy and bring your tree for “show and tell” to let others know of your bonsai journey. And don’t forget to bring something for the raffle table. We hope to see you there.

Please read about our club meetings and reasons why to join a club. See the Ramifications Newsletter for latest club news.
The Bonsai Society of Brevard is one of the many clubs within the Bonsai Society of Florida.