Artists regularly give their work names. In some cases the name complements the art reinforcing the message. A cynic might say that naming art is pretentious and that artists do it to merely help identify the work in gallery sales catalogues but naming art plays a key role in setting the stage for the emotional message to be conveyed. A name provides some clues to the viewer as to the artist’s intent. With some abstract art, the name provides as much or perhaps more of the artist’s message than the actual art. If an artist doesn’t name a work, galleries and museums will go through the trouble to label the work as “Untitled.”

Naming art is a convention that aids in the emotional communication. To that end, bonsai trees as art need names. Japanese artists regularly give names to famous trees. In Japan, naming though is usually reserved to someone other than the artist to perform. This interesting cultural tidbit provides ample evidence of a bonsai’s ability to connect, but few western bonsai artist name their work. In China, artists will paint the poetic name on the pot to help convert their intent. When designing a bonsai tree, the artist needs to have some concept in mind and a name will help either explain or perhaps hide the concept.

One forest planting is famous because of its creator but also because it has a name. It is by the late John Naka and named Goshin, which means “protector of the spirit”. When John Naka originally created Goshin he had seven grandchildren, each represented by a tree in the forest. The tree now resides at the US National Arboretum in Washington, DC, one of John’s many legacies to the bonsai world. Calling the tree Goshin is certainly more convenient than saying “Remember that Juniper planting John Naka made years ago.”

Other trees that are known by their names include Dragon Ascending, a Shimpaku Juniper with a fantastic bit of spiral driftwood. Mary Madison also has a buttonwood name Senryu, or Dragon.

Consider naming your trees, and help elevate them to the status they deserve as an art form.

This Bald Cypress is Spice Worm, now made famous by the Dune movies.