Brevard Bonsai Blog

Bonsai in Brevard – March 2025

March 15 – Bonsai Club: Bring Your Own Tree

BYOT is a great way to get specific input on your trees. Club experts will help you with styling decisions, pruning, wiring, and give horticultural advice. This is a great time to work on many tropical species.

Bring tree(s) and tools. Wire to be provided by club.

No repotting.

Note: This month, we will meet at the Melbourne Public Library, 540 E. Fee Blvd (at 1pm.)

Please read about our club meetings and reasons why to join a club.

The Bonsai Society of Brevard is one of the many clubs within the Bonsai Society of Florida.

Bonsai in Brevard – January 2025

January 18, 2025 – Podacarpus Demo

Join us for the BSOB monthly meeting on January 18, 2025 where Blaine Johnson will demonstrate how to style and care for a Podacarpus. Blaine is a well experienced artist and has a great eye for this artform.

From “all things bonsai“, “The Podocarpus is an evergreen tree with stiff, thick foliage similar to Yew trees and an upright growth habit. The most commonly found species used in bonsai is Podocarpus Microphylla. Podocarpus Buddhist Pine Bonsai Care for these evergreen oriental bonsai trees.

In the wild, it forms a stately tree commonly around forty feet high but with the capacity to get taller than this. When growing in full sun the foliage is very dense though it also grows in shaded positions.

It is found throughout Japan, China and other parts of eastern Asia.

In bonsai, it a most frequently found in the informal upright style and in small groups. It also lends itself to formal upright, slanting, semi-cascade, twin-trunk, triple-truck and clasped to rock.”

Note: This month, we will meet at the Melbourne Public Library, 540 E. Fee Blvd (at 1pm.)

Please read about our club meetings and reasons why to join a club.

The Bonsai Society of Brevard is one of the many clubs within the Bonsai Society of Florida.

Bonsai in Brevard – December 2024

December 21, 2024 – Holiday Celebration

NOTE: we will NOT meet in the library. Instead, we will meet at Saint Timothy’s church meeting room for this year’s holiday party celebration. 1903 Croton Rd, Melbourne, FL 32935-3333.

The December club meeting is packed with fun events. First, we will hold our yearly holiday pot-luck meal. The club provides the meat, drinks, and all table settings.  You bring your favorite dish to share. 

We will also hold the BSOB club-level styling competition. See this post BSOB Styling Competition for 2025 for details. Signup is here.  It’s a fun event to watch, even if you don’t participate.

The December event will also feature a club initiative to create a multi-tree planting. This unique planting will be raffled off to one lucky active member.

Come a before 1pm to setup.

Note: This month, we will meet at the Saint Timothy’s church meeting room 1903 Croton Rd, Melbourne, FL 32935-3333.

Please read about our club meetings and reasons why to join a club.

The Bonsai Society of Brevard is one of the many clubs within the Bonsai Society of Florida.

BSOB Styling Competition for 2025

Overview and rules for styling competition

  • The Bonsai Societies of Florida (BSF) uses the styling competition to promote the art of bonsai.  
  • The three levels of styling competition are: Local level, District level, and State level.
    • BSOB Local level: 21 Dec 2024 at December BSOB club meeting (1pm)
    • District 6 level: 25 Jan 2025 at Multi-club auction (time is TBD)
    • State level: BSF Convention (Memorial Day weekend 2025)
  • The winner and second place are announced at the BSF convention. The State winner receives an educational grant of $1000.  The second-place winner gets $500.  Grants are to be used for bonsai educational purposes.
  • Please signup in advance if you are interested. Go Here.

BSOB Eligibility:

  1. Must be at least 18 years of age
  2. Must be a club member in good standing for 2024 and 2025
  3. Must never have won first place in a previous BSF Scholarship Competition – State level.
  4. Must be able to compete at the District level competition 

BSOB Local Rules:

  1. Materials will be of the same species and of similar quality. 
    Juniper is usually the planned species and will be distributed by lottery.
  2. The BSOB contest is usually 2 to 2.5 hrs long.
  3. Wiring is permitted.  Club wire will be available for contestants.
  4. Tools and supplies will be the responsibility of the contestant. 
    Borrowing tools prior to the contest is permitted. 
  5. Once the contest starts there is no participation or interaction between contestants and others in the audience.
  6. Plant needs to be in the pot for judging.  Pot can be cut back, root ball worked on, but plant needs to be placed back in the pot for judging. 
  7. Judging at the local level is to be done by the club president (or designee) and the district trustee (or designee).  All designee(s) will be decided at the club meeting prior to the start of the competition.
  8. Judging will be based on bonsai techniques and design appropriate to the tree while maintaining the health of the tree.
  9. Rules can be changed by past board members who attend the club meeting prior to the start of the competition.
The start of a juniper cascade bonsai

The Bonsai Society of Brevard is one of the many clubs within the Bonsai Societies of Florida.

EPCOT 2025 Bonsai Application Reminder

Disney display signup by December 31

  • Since the inception of the Flower and Garden Festival in 1997, the Bonsai Societies of Florida (BSF) has collaborated with Walt Disney World (WDW) to showcase Bonsai at Epcot. This display is far from ordinary and involves a process unlike any typical exhibit creation. To Disney ticket holders, what may appear as just another display amidst countless plants and flowers represents months of meticulous planning to present the trees on their stands.
  • This year Disney will exhibit bonsai in both the Japanize and China pavillions.
    • Japan will host classic Japanize bonsai styles
    • China will host styles that lean toward Chineze traditions, often referred to as Penjing

Details and Applications:

Please go to this link to read more about the event, process, and application. Applications need to be submitted by December 31, 2024.

Epcot Bonsai Show Overview

Entry Application

The Bonsai Society of Brevard is one of the many clubs within the Bonsai Societies of Florida.

Bonsai in Brevard – November 2024

November 16, 2024 – Photo Workshop

Join us for the BSOB monthly meeting on November 16th, where we’ll delve into the art of tree photography and explore techniques you can try at home. Rob Kempinski will guide the session, equipped with a camera, lights, and a backdrop to create a studio setup for capturing stunning tree photos. Feel free to bring your own tree if you’d like a professional-quality photo. This is a fantastic chance to get a great shot for your 2025 EPCOT submission! (link here)

Note: This month, we will meet at the Melbourne Public Library, 540 E. Fee Blvd (at 1pm.)

Please read about our club meetings and reasons why to join a club.

The Bonsai Society of Brevard is one of the many clubs within the Bonsai Society of Florida.

Bonsai in Brevard – October 2024

October 19 – Trip to Agresta Gardens

Please note the club will not formally meet during the month of October 2024. Instead, BSOB will visit Agresta Gardens in east Orlando. Ben Agresta is a gracious host who encourages visitors (especially bonsai clubs) to see his collection. It’s truely one of the best collections east of the Mississippi. Ben’s facebook page is here.

We plan to arrive at the gardens at 10am. The BSOB facebook page will have details. Hope to see you there.

Please read about our club meetings and reasons why to join a club.

The Bonsai Society of Brevard is one of the many clubs within the Bonsai Society of Florida.

Bonsai Club Auction and Picnic – 2024

Announcement – New Date January 25, 2025

  • We have rescheduled the 2024 Auction for January 25, 2025 and plan to hold another Auction in October 2025.
  • Save these dates!  Several clubs (CFBC, TCBS, HUKYU, KAWA, Shofu and others) are expected to attend this year’s auction and picnic.  Flyer is here. 
  • We’ve transitioned to on-line signups, so if you plan to sell items in either the live or silent auction, we encourage you to sign-up in advance here. This will speed up the check-in process and shorten the payment cycle for you.

Please Note: There are changes to this year’s auction. Notably:

  1. Live auction starts at noon
  2. All auctions end at 3pm
  3. Live auction limit of 5 items per person
  4. Silent auction limit of 20 items per person
  5. 15% seller paid commission
  6. Seller must be a member of BSF (or incur a $20 fee).

Don’t forget to signup here.

Multi-Club Auction and Picnic showing an example silent auction table.

Please read about our club meetings and reasons why you want to join a club.

The Bonsai Society of Brevard is one of the many clubs within the Bonsai Societies of Florida.

Bonsai at the Zoo – Report Out


A big thanks to the Brevard Zoo for hosting the annual 2-day cooperative event with the Bonsai Society of Brevard (BSOB) on Aug 17-18, 2024. It was quite a weekend with 1439 guest walking through the bonsai exhibit and vendor area.

This year the Zoo hosted many other organizations who discussed topics from bees to plants to orchids, to the lagoon (and many more). The Zoo continues to grow this event and now calls it the Bonsai and Botanical weekend. Congratulations to them for expanding their outreach to important local causes and their organizations.

The zoo website has more details HERE.

Please read about our club meetings and reasons why to join a club.

The Bonsai Society of Brevard is one of the many clubs within the Bonsai Societies of Florida.

Bonsai in Brevard – September 2024

Sept 21st – Exposed Root Workshop

Join us at the September BSOB Meeting for a workshop on the Exposed Root style of bonsai.

At the workshop each member will start a bonsai tree on its journey as an exposed root style.  Trees and material will be provided. All you need to do is bring tools and a willingness to have some fun.  For planning purposes please place your order by September 8 if you intend to take the workshop.  The meeting is September 21, 2024 at the Melbourne public library at 1 PM.  Cost per workshop attendee will be $30. To reserve your spot, place your order here. Spots will be first come first served, so sign up early.

See this Kempinski Korner post (Exposed) for an overview of the techniques to be used in this workshop.

Note: This month, we will meet at the Melbourne Public Library, 540 E. Fee Blvd (at 1pm.)

Please read about our club meetings and reasons why to join a club.

The Bonsai Society of Brevard is one of the many clubs within the Bonsai Society of Florida.