Introduction to Bonsai Class – Aug 19, 2023!
The BSOB club is hosting another beginner class to introduce students to the basics of bonsai. This class will use pre-bonsai Green Island Ficus material to help students learn tree styling, wiring, potting, and care.
The class will be held in the Brevard Zoo during the Bonsai at the Zoo event on August 19-20, 2023. Class includes tree, pot, soil, wire and 2023 membership to BSOB. The fee also includes entrance to the zoo during the weekend event.
Where: Brevard Zoo – Nyami Nyami River Lodge
When: August 19, 2023
Time: 10:30am to 2:30pm (30 min break at noon)
If you are interested in attending, sign up by paying HERE.
And/or please contact Scot at:

The Bonsai Society of Brevard is one of the many clubs within the Bonsai Societies of Florida.