September 17 – Bonsai Club: Mike Lane – Podocarpus
Mike Lane will lead this month’s club demonstration. Mike will work on a pre-bonsai podocarpus purchased for this event.
Mike is an accomplished bonsai artist who was one of the headliners at the 2022 BSF convention. Mike has a nice summary of his bonsai history and accomplishments at his site here. In 2010 he won 1st place at the BSF convention and has dedicated himself to bonsai ever since.
Mary Smith has a nice summary of Podocarpus bonsai here. At one time the wood was used in furniture making. It will be interesting to see what Mike does with this material.
Note: This month, we will meet at the Melbourne Public Library, 540 E. Fee Blvd (at 1pm.)

Please read about our club meetings and reasons why to join a club.
The Bonsai Society of Brevard is one of the many clubs within the Bonsai Society of Florida.