May 20, 2023: Convention Preparation
Did April showers bring May flowers to your bonsai trees? Many gorgeous trees are now in full bloom. For our May 20 BSOB club meeting we are requesting Members bring a colorful tree and/or pot they will allow to be shown in our club tree exhibit during the BSF Convention. We will work together to create a multi-colored bonsai display using foliage, pots, bark, and flowering trees.
Also, to involve more members that may not be at the convention, our meeting on May 20th will also include developing our club project plans for the club night competition.
Kempinski Korner – May
Have you ever heard of BonsAI? That’s where AI (artificial intelligence) is used to help generate designs for the bonsai artform. Rob gave it a try this month. Take a look at the May posting.
BSF Convention Reminders
Also, on Memorial Day weekend the Bonsai Society of Florida is having their Annual Convention at the Florida Hotel in Orlando. Online registration stops on May 19th. Go here to register.
Club Meetings
Our club holds meetings at the Melbourne Public Library on the third Saturday of each month at 1pm.

Please read about our club meetings and reasons why you should join a club.
The Bonsai Society of Brevard is one of the many clubs within the Bonsai Societies of Florida.